Re: Internet worm question?

Scott D. Yelich (
Sat, 15 Oct 94 17:05:47 MDT

>>>>> "Ivan" == Ivan Kopacik <> writes:
Ivan> Hyia That Whispering Wolf... !
>> Does anyone know if the source for the famous "Internet Worm" is
>> available? I've read documents on the worm of all sorts, thouroughly
>> enjoyed all of them, but want to actually -see- the source code!

Ivan> I have a feeling that worm source is somewhere at
Ivan> However, it is not original ( they have new comments I
Ivan> forgot from who )

Yes, there are several versions here.  I'm working on setting up a
section devoted to just this topic.

>> I can't immagine -why- the source wouldn't be out there by now --
>> After all, every bug expoloited by the worm has been (I think) long
>> since fixed.
Ivan> I do not think so.
